Free A Dollar Gift/Craft Ideas
SNTS01 "Praise God" Craft Stencil + Colour Your Own Jigsaw Puzzle + Bookmark + Bracelet Set
It feels awesome when I was creating the art piece with the inspirational stencil. The Word of God is so filled with God's love that I decided to stamp print hearts on it instead of random colouring. I always like the church window with cross design so I spent some time decorating the cross with smiley faces stickers and played with colours. The rose sticker pasted at the centre of the cross symbolises my heart for my Lord Jesus.
Certainly, the inspirational faith stencil will bring the children closer to God and enhances creativity.
SV72 "Salvation Cross" Jelly Beans DIY Craft Super Value Set
SV71 "God's Love" Cross DIY Craft Super Value Set
JWP02 "Praise God" 16-PCS Craft & Colour-Your-Own Jigsaw Puzzles
Ink type colour pens work well for vivid and easy colouring. After the colouring, remove the pieces and have fun!
You may make your own sets with same jigsaw puzzles and colouring ideas too with thick cardboard paper and pictures.