Payment/Shipping/Return Privacy
Payment Options
(Singapore Orders)
+ Internet/ATM Fund Transfer outside online check out after we have contacted you via Whatsapp (* This option is for Singapore orders)
(International Orders)
+ By credit card payment via paypal >> or via check-out (*This option is only for INTERNATIONAL orders outsides Singapore)
Shipping Options
(Singapore Orders)
+ By free Singpost tracked mail shipping with tracking no. in 3 working days. Min order $30.00SGD
+ By Singpost tracked mail shipping $2 flat rate for order below $10.00SGD
(International Orders)
+ By Speedpost/Singpost registered mail. Min order $80.00SGD and above.
Return Policy
Our products are imported from Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, England, United States, Australia etc. We assure you that we will keep up the standard of quality and contents of our products to match our mission statement and customers’ expectation. We assure you will buy our products at your expected value.
We understand that sometimes you are not satisfy with something you purchase even the above conditions are met. You may return any item for any reason either for a refund or an exchange within 7 days of receipt.
Returns must be in good condition, with all original materials and packing.
The customer is responsible for return mailing cost. We trust your honesty and respect in this area you will not return items which are already used.
1. Whatsapp us at 65-91399947
2. Pack and mail your purchase back to us.
3. Upon receipt and checking of returned products in expected condition, we will refund you within 7 working days.
* We ship your orders after payment is made only.
* We confirm order by Whatsapp.
* All transaction is base by SGD (Singapore Dollars)
* We reserve order for 24hrs only. Any order without confirmation of payment without 24hrs is void. (Singapore orders)